Archive for November, 2023

My Mystic Christian Family Tree

My personal list of Patristic favorites. Listed in a loose chronological order.  Most are institutional saints; others should be. Figured it might be interesting let everyone know what lies behind my thinking and writing.

Jesus, the Christ                                  AD 30

Paul of Tarsus                                     AD 60

Gospel Writer of John                         AD 90

Justin Martyr                                       AD 150

Clement of Alexandria                        AD 190

Origen of Alexandria                          AD 230

Athanasius of Alexandria                    AD 330

Macarius of Egypt                              AD 350

Basil of Caesaria                                 AD 350

Makrina the Younger                          AD 355

Gregory of Nazianzus                         AD 360

Gregory of Nyssa                                AD 380

Evagrius Ponticus                               AD 380

Cyril of Alexandria                             AD 435

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite       AD 500

John Climacus                                     AD 620

Maximus the Confessor                      AD 630

Symeon the New Theologian              AD 1000

Gregory Palamas                                 AD 1340

Teresa of Ávila                                    AD 1560

John of the Cross                                AD 1580

Additional influences: Antony the Great, Pachomius the Great, John Cassian, Isaac of Nineveh, John of Damascus, Seraphim of Sarov, Vladimir Lossky, John Zizioulas, John Romanides, Christian Yannaras, Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, John Meyendorff, Alexander Schmemann, Kallistos (Ware), Olivier Clément, Sophrony (Sakharov), Bart Ehrman, Marcus Borg, Richard Rohr, Eusebius Stephanou, N.T. Wright, David Bentley Hart.

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